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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2020Algorithmic determination of immobile indices in convex SIP problems with polyhedral index setsKostyukova, O. I.; Tchemisova, T. V.articleopenAccess
18-Mar-2022An exact explicit dual for the linear copositive programming problemKostyukova, O. I.; Tchemisova, T. V.articlerestrictedAccess
2007An implicit optimality criterion for problems of convex Semi-Infinite ProgrammingKostyukova, O. I.; Tchemisova, T. V.; Yermalinskaya, S. A.articlerestrictedAccess
29-Jun-2012A constructive algorithm for determination of immobile indices in convex SIP problems with polyhedral index setsKostyukova, O. I.; Tchemisova, T. V.workingPaperopenAccess
2006Convex Semi-Infinite programming: explicit optimality conditionsKostyukova, O. I.; Tchemisova, T. V.workingPaperopenAccess
2010Convex semi-infinite programming: Implicit optimality criterion based on the concept of immobile indicesKostyukova, O. I.; Tchemisova, T. V.; Yermalinskaya, S. A.articlerestrictedAccess
2005Convex semi-infinite programming: implicit optimality criterion based on the concept of immobile pointsKostyukova, O. I.; Tchemisova, T. V.; Yermalinskaya, S. A.workingPaperopenAccess
19-Feb-2015Convex SIP problems with finitely representable compact index sets: immobile indices and the properties of the auxiliary NLP problemKostyukova, O. I.; Tchemisova, T. V.articlerestrictedAccess
18-Feb-2023Explicit criterion of uniform LP duality for linear problems of copositive optimizationKostyukova, O. I.; Tchemisova, T. V.; Dudina, O. S.preprintopenAccess
2008Explicit optimality conditions for problems of convex semi-infinite programmingKostyukova, O. I.; Chemisova, T. V.; Ermolinskaya, S. A.articlerestrictedAccess
31-Aug-2021Face reduction and the immobile indices approaches to regularization of linear Copositive Programming problemsKostyukova, O. I.; Tchemisova, T. V.preprintopenAccess
Mar-2020Immobile indices and CQ-free optimality criteria for linear copositive programming problemsKostyukova, O. I.; Tchemisova, T. V.; Dudina, O. S.articleopenAccess
Jul-2012Implicit optimality criterion for convex SIP problem with box constrained index setKostyukova, O. I.; Tchemisova, T. V.articleopenAccess
2020Linear semidefinite programming problems: regularisation and strong dual formulationsKostyukova, O. I.; Tchemisova, T. V.articleopenAccess
2006On a special nonlinear problem arising in the study of convex SIP problemsKostyukova, O. I.; Tchemisova, T. V.; Yermalinskaya, S. A.preprintopenAccess
31-Jan-2022On equivalent representations and properties of faces of the cone of copositive matricesKostyukova, O. I.; Tchemisova, T. V.articleopenAccess
10-Feb-2012On one optimality criterion for the problems of convex Semi-Infinite ProgrammingKostyukova, O. I.; Tchemisova, T. V.; Yermalinskaya, S. A.bookPartrestrictedAccess
18-Feb-2021On strong duality in linear copositive programmingKostyukova, O. I.; Tchemisova, T. V.articlerestrictedAccess
23-Apr-2020On strong duality in linear copositive programmingKostyukova, O. I.; Tchemisova, T. V.preprintopenAccess
2024On the uniform duality in copositive optimizationKostyukova, O. I.; Tchemisova, T. V. T.; Dudina, O.S.articleopenAccess