Showing results 36 to 51 of 51
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access Type |
Aug-2023 | Sharp bounds on the least eigenvalue of a graph determined from edge clique partitions | Cardoso, Domingos M.; Costa, Inês Serôdio; Duarte, Rui | article |  |
3-Mar-2018 | A sharp lower bound on the signless Laplacian index of graphs with (k,t)-regular sets | Andelic, Milica; Cardoso, Domingos M.; Pereira, António | article |  |
Mar-2017 | A short note on cops and robbers playing on total graphs | Dominic, Charles; Cardoso, Domingos M.; Witkowski, Lukasz; Witkowski, Marcin | article |  |
Jan-2016 | A simplex like approach based on star sets for recognizing convex-QP adverse graphs | Cardoso, Domingos M.; Luz, Carlos J. | article |  |
Mar-2020 | Some new aspects of main eigenvalues of graphs | Abreu, Nair; Cardoso, Domingos M.; França, Francisca A. M.; Vinagre, Cybele T. M. | article |  |
6-Jan-2017 | Spectra and Laplacian spectra of arbitrary powers of lexicographic products of graphs | Abreu, N.; Cardoso, Domingos M.; Carvalho, P.; Vinagres, C. T. M. | article |  |
6-Mar-2013 | Spectra of graphs obtained by a generalization of the join graph operation | Cardoso, Domingos M.; Freitas, M. A. A. de; Martins, E. A.; Robbiano, M. | article |  |
7-Mar-2018 | Spectra, signless Laplacian and Laplacian spectra of complementary prisms of graphs | Cardoso, Domingos M.; Carvalho, Paula; Freitas, Maria Aguieiras A. de; Vinagre, Cybele T.M. | article |  |
2015 | Spectral characterization of families of split graphs | Andelic, M.; Cardoso, Domingos M. | article |  |
4-Dec-2020 | Spectral properties of the n-Queens' graphs | Cardoso, Domingos M.; Costa, Inês Serôdio; Duarte, Rui | preprint |  |
Jan-2020 | A survey on graphs with convex quadratic stability number | Cardoso, Domingos M. | article |  |
21-Jan-2021 | The H-join of arbitrary families of graphs | Cardoso, Domingos M.; Gomes, Helena; Pinheiro, Sofia J | preprint |  |
1-Sep-2022 | The H-join of arbitrary families of graphs: the universal adjacency spectrum | Cardoso, Domingos M.; Gomes, Helena; Pinheiro, Sofia J. | article |  |
Jan-2013 | The Jordan canonical form for a class of weighted directed graphs | Nina, H.; Soto, R. L.; Cardoso, Domingos M. | article |  |
Dec-2021 | The main vertices of a star set and related graph parameters | Andelic, Milica; Cardoso, Domingos M.; Simic, Slobodan K.; Stanic, Zoran | article |  |
20-Dec-2020 | The main vertices of a star set and related graph parameters | Anđelić, Milica; Cardoso, Domingos M.; Simić, Slobodan K.; Stanić, Zoran | preprint |  |