Browsing by Author Barros, António S.

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Showing results 3 to 9 of 9 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
26-May-2023Diagnostic and monitoring applications using Near infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy in cancer and other diseasesVitorino, Rui; Barros, António S.; Guedes, Sofia; Caixeta, Douglas C.; Sabino-Silva, RobinsonarticleembargoedAccess
2011Evaluation of beer deterioration by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry/multivariate analysis: a rapid tool for assessing beer compositionRodrigues, João A.; Barros, António S.; Carvalho, Beatriz; Brandão, Tiago; Gil, Ana M.; Silva Ferreira, Antonio C.articlerestrictedAccess
2011High pressure treatments largely avoid/revert decrease of cooked sorghum protein digestibility when applied before/after cookingCorreia, Isabel; Nunes, Alexandra; Saraiva, Jorge A.; Barros, António S.; Delgadillo, IvonnearticlerestrictedAccess
2011Metabolic Signatures of Lung Cancer in Biofluids: NMR-Based Metabonomics of Blood PlasmaRocha, Cláudia M.; Carrola, Joana; Barros, António S.; Gil, Ana M.; Goodfellow, Brian J.; Carreira, Isabel M.; Bernardo, Joao; Gomes, Ana; Sousa, Vitor; Carvalho, Lina; Duarte, Iola F.articleopenAccess
2006Ripening-related changes in the cell walls of olive (Olea europaea L.) pulp of two consecutive harvestsMafra, Isabel; Barros, António S.; Nunes, Cláudia; Vitorino, Rui; Saraiva, Jorge; Smith, Andrew C.; Waldron, Keith W.; Delgadillo, Ivonne; Coimbra, Manuel A.articlerestrictedAccess
2014Three mammal species distinction through the analysis of scats chemical composition provided by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatographySaraiva, Maria J.; Salvador, Ângelo C.; Fernandes, Tony; Ferreira, Joaquim P.; Barros, António S.; Rocha, Sílvia M.; Fonseca, CarlosarticlerestrictedAccess
2009Traditional and industrial oven-dry processing of olive fruits: influence on textural properties, cell wall polysaccharide composition, and enzymatic activityCardoso, Susana M.; Mafra, Isabel; Reis, Ana; Barros, António S.; Nunes, Cláudia; Georget, Dominique M. R.; Smith, Andrew C.; Saraiva, Jorge; Waldron, Keith W.; Coimbra, Manuel A.articlerestrictedAccess