Browsing by Advisor Macedo, Maria de Fátima Matos Almeida Henriques

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Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
25-Nov-2022Buffy Coat Vs blood collection tube mononuclear cells: a functional characterizationBorges, Sofia de MoraismasterThesisembargoedAccess
2019Characterization of peripheral blood lymphocytes in juvenile idiopathic arthritisMarques, Cláudia Sofia HonradomasterThesisrestrictedAccess
7-Dec-2016Dissecting the molecular basis for the arrest of Plasmodium sporozoites in the liver sinusoidsSá, Mónica da SilvamasterThesisopenAccess
10-Dec-2021Effects of different Buffy Coat processing on monocyte functionRodrigues, Inês Martins MondragãomasterThesisembargoedAccess
9-Dec-2024Evaluation of the activation profile of dendritic cells by an extract of Toxoplasma gondiiCarvalho, Nuno TorresmasterThesisembargoedAccess
2014HIF-1α relevance in necrosis of mycobacterium avium-induced granulomasCardoso, Marcos Levi dos SantosmasterThesisopenAccess
9-Dec-2021Human iNKT cells as key modulators of macrophage survival and phenotypeCruz, Mariana SantosmasterThesisembargoedAccess
24-Jul-2013iNKT cells in mucopolysaccharidosis type II patientsLopes, Nuno Duarte RibeiromasterThesisopenAccess
24-Aug-2011Lipid antigen presentation in Fabry disease patientsPereira, Cátia Sofia OliveiramasterThesisopenAccess
1-Aug-2012Lipid specific T cells in Mucopolysaccharidosis VI patientsMaia, Maria da Luz GalantemasterThesisopenAccess
2015Lymphocyte populations in Mucopolysaccharidosis patientsPereira, Cátia Daniela IsaíasmasterThesisopenAccess
2-Dec-2020Participation of Transthyretin in angiogenesis: biological and pathologic involvementSaavedra, Joana do AmaralmasterThesisembargoedAccess
2015Regulation of iron metabolism in different bacterial infectionsFerreira, Patrícia Daniela OliveiramasterThesisopenAccess
21-Dec-2018Study of CDC5 and CDC6 expression on human iNKT cellsCunha, Ana Margarida Delindro Ferreira damasterThesisopenAccess
11-Nov-2022Study of the immune responses induced by Toxoplasma gondii membrane extract using the mice modelTeixeira, Daniela do CarmomasterThesisembargoedAccess
2018The impact of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on iNKT lymphocytesMarante, Tânia AlvesmasterThesisembargoedAccess
5-Nov-2020The relevance of lipid accumulation in lysosomal storage diseases in immune cells functionRibeiro, Helena Maria Moreira Ferreira SoaresdoctoralThesisembargoedAccess