Browsing by Advisor Costa, Joana

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
30-Jun-2023Branqueamento de capitais: contextualização, enquadramento legal e apreciação dos seus determinantesCardoso, Sérgio Nuno SoaresmasterThesisopenAccess
15-Dec-2021Collaborative strategies and firm performance: multiple connections to exploit the innovation ecosystem advantagesFreire, Pedro Miguel ColaçomasterThesisopenAccess
18-Dec-2018Os determinantes da reeleição dos presidentes de câmara em Portugal (2002-2017)Madeira, Mariana BravomasterThesisopenAccess
18-Feb-2021Dois lados de uma mesma moeda: inovação aberta e colaboração universidade-empresa na promoção da performance empresarialNeves, Ana Rita Maia dasmasterThesisembargoedAccess
19-Sep-2018From eco-innovation to sustainability: the role of public policyOliveira, Rúben João BatistamasterThesisopenAccess
7-Dec-2021A iniciativa empreendedora nas diferentes faixas etárias: o papel do capital humanoDuarte, Paulo Jorge RodriguesmasterThesisopenAccess
31-Jul-2020Is SMART specialization promoting sustainable and inclusive growth?: a multidimensional approach on convergencePereira, Eva Alexandra Marques Vieira da SilvamasterThesisopenAccess
5-Jul-2023A multidimensional analysis of the role of family ownership on internationalisation strategiesBarbosa, João Carlos MarquesmasterThesisembargoedAccess
12-Jul-2024Optimizing a packaging solution to speed up customs clearance in a Portuguese scale-upGomes, Gabriela RamalhomasterThesisopenAccess
6-Dec-2023Políticas de incentivos em economia circular: uma abordagem da teoria dos jogosCorreia, Nuno Miguel RibeiromasterThesisembargoedAccess
18-Apr-2024Rede interorganizacional e ecoeficiência no ecoturismo: estudo de caso Rota das Emoções (RE)Amorim, Clezio GontijodoctoralThesisembargoedAccess
19-Feb-2021The persistence of mismatches in the transition to employment: a university-level studyPires, Bruno VilhenamasterThesisopenAccess
5-Jul-2023The role of E-government in promoting the sustainability of Portuguese municipalitiesSantos, Tiago MatosmasterThesisembargoedAccess
27-Jul-2022The role of human capital in open innovation strategies and the mediating effect of innovation ecosystemsAlmeida, Andreia Rafaela MartinsmasterThesisopenAccess