Browsing by Advisor Mendo, Sónia

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Showing results 18 to 37 of 62 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
28-Jan-2020Deepening the study of the two-peptide lantibiotic lichenicidin: bioengineering, toxicity and mode of actionBarbosa, Joana Cristina PachecodoctoralThesisembargoedAccess
2009Detecção e caracterização molecular de defeitos no ciclo de carnitinaSousa, Carmen Marília Moreira demasterThesisopenAccess
2014Detection of antibiotic resistant bacteria on hands and mobile phonesDanen, Ana Petronella VasconcelosmasterThesisopenAccess
21-Jul-2021Detection of Giardia duodenalis and Cryptosporidium spp. in water and fresh vegetablesSilva, Maria Madalena Pires de MendonçamasterThesisopenAccess
5-Jan-2014Directed evolution of lichenicidinPereira, Marta Daniela Lima Braga JesusmasterThesisopenAccess
14-Dec-2022Epidemiologia molecular de isolados clínicos multirresistentes de Acinetobacter baumannii circulantes em LisboaLourenço, Marta Catarina Duarte demasterThesisembargoedAccess
2003Epidemiologia molecular, susceptibilidade a antimicrobianos e profilaxia, de Streptococcus pneumoniae responsáveis por infecção invasiva em PortugalSerrano, Isa DominguesmasterThesisrestrictedAccess
19-Dec-2019Estudo da expressão da proteína LRP1B em tumores de ovárioCunha, Ana Isabel Ribeiro damasterThesisopenAccess
2009Estudo das bases moleculares da cistinúria na população portuguesaLopes, Altina Maria dos RamosmasterThesisopenAccess
2005Estudo molecular de microcitoses hereditárias com hemoglobina A2 normalVazão, Helena Sofia Esmeraldo de CamposmasterThesisopenAccess
12-Jul-2024Evaluation of the antifungal potential of organometallic palladium complexes against Candida spp.Monteiro, Teresa Allen Revez SalmasterThesisembargoedAccess
2014Evaluation of the genotoxicity effect and antioxidant response of two nanoparticles in Eisenia andreiCorreia, Bruno Ricardo da SilvamasterThesisopenAccess
14-Dec-2018Gene expression characterization of ticks' folate pathwayDias, Filipa Isabel PereiramasterThesisopenAccess
15-Feb-2021Genetic determinants of haloarchaeal secondary metabolites, with focus on terpenesSerrano, Susana Margarida GuerramasterThesisembargoedAccess
23-Jul-2012Genotoxicity in humans and indicator species exposed to uranium wastesLourenço, Joana Isabel do ValedoctoralThesisopenAccess
18-Dec-2019Halocins and lanthipeptides from Haloferax mediterraneiCastro, Inês Manuel de Sousa Martins demasterThesisembargoedAccess
2010High pressure inactivaction of Clostridium botulinum type E spores in troutParalta, Ana Rita PêgomasterThesisopenAccess
24-Nov-2016HIV virus genotyping in a sampling of Angolan origin: estudo piloto: pilot studyCosta, Bibiana de Fátima Correia damasterThesisopenAccess
16-Sep-2021Impact of haloazolisin production in the antiarchaeal activity of Haloferax mediterraneiCassin, ElenamasterThesisembargoedAccess
19-Dec-2022Implementação do método de contagem de Clostrídios sulfito-redutoresRosário, Tiago André PereiramasterThesisopenAccess